Five freaking weeks…

tumblr_mup9s8PNcl1qdljtto1_500There really isn’t any excuse. The Betas and the Brats have reminded me that I’m slacking on keeping the public at large in the loop, but I’m so scatterbrained right now…

I don’t think there’s any hope for me at this point.

I added a button in the sidebar so you can let me know about any technical problems you might notice… Just click on the adorkable Alex pic and it’ll take you to the Help page.

So unless y’all ran out of give-a-shit, here’s what I’ve been up to…

Keep It In The Family

Chapter 1: Pets

Chapter 2: Bitter

Chapter 3: Deep Blue



Chapter 1: The Cons

Chapter 2: The Pros

Chapter 3: Blood

Chapter 4: Gestures



Chapter 29: Religious


Enjoy, if you haven’t already.


18 thoughts on “Five freaking weeks…

  1. You are fantastic – the chapters are superb, we give more than ‘a’ shit! We give appreciation & a healthy amount of adoration (in a non stalker(ish?) way). Thanks for all your efforts.

  2. I had read them all except for the new ‘Intrepid’ chapter. These new verses are spectacular! Every time I think you can not possibly top yourself, you some how manage it! Once again, can’t wait to read what happens next…

  3. Not only do your fans give many shits but I for one am happy to admit to stalking your website which is how I discovered ‘Keep it in the family’ which is just AWESOME!!! Thank you for writing at whatever rhythm suits you…

    • The phrases “No shit.” And “Word” come to mind. well said redjane12! Writers should always follow the muse.. *pauses while I inexplicably hear the phrase “follow the white rabbit…”*
      Yeah. I’m weird.
      I own it. 🙂

  4. On another note..that Gif… has me mesmerized… totally.. a long haired Alex Skarsgard walking through a pool with lovely abs showing… where’s my bib because I’m drooling…

  5. Cant believe that you are gone. You were a shining light in the world. My prayers are with your family while they morn you loss. And my prayers are with your fans while we all morn your loss. Your brats will miss you greatly. I am in shock and I will miss or facebook chats.

  6. R.I.P. Angela. Your loss is felt across the world. Our thoughts are with your family. The world is a sadder place without your wonderful imagination. Thank you for all the joy and happiness you gave us, you will be missed. I hope the Brats maintain this site as a legacy to your memory, I will be re-reading everything (again) and keep your brilliance close to my heart.
    Blessings to you all.

  7. R.I.P ang your lost will be felt with every word you’ve ever written….or every word of encouragement for new writers….may God bless your soul and your family in their time of need .

    I will reread everything you wrote to keep your memory alive.


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