Bright Things

BT CoverIn A Midsummer’s Night Dream by Shakespeare, Lysander says,

“So quick bright things come to confusion.”

-His thoughts on how delicate happiness can be, how quickly everything can change.

Happiness is a fragile thing. Even the foundations of the closest family can be shaken by something as devastating as cancer.

How far would some people go to keep their loved ones from suffering?

Bright Things wasn’t a planned story. It was intended to be a short Outtake for the BratPack, but by popular demand, it’s getting a short run.

Chapter 1: This Is Different

Chapter 2: Obstinate

Chapter 3: Last Rites

Chapter 4: Newborn

Chapter 5: Bad Blood

Chapter 6: Connected

Chapter 7: Complicated

Chapter 8: Walking Shadow

Chapter 9: Floodgates

Chapter 10: Postmortem

Chapter 11: Baby

Chapter 12: Reunited

Chapter 13: Nosy Twats

Chapter 14: Wait

Chapter 15: Popular Vote

Chapter 16: Set Up

Chapter 17: Residue

Chapter 18: Much Better

Chapter 19: Mismatched

Chapter 20: Damage Control

Chapter 21: Gas Light

Chapter 22: We’re Gone

Chapter 23: Double Whammy

9 thoughts on “Bright Things

  1. Not that you haven’t been called it a million times over (by me alone even 😉 but having a next chapter button on chapter 5 makes you such a TEASE! I was so excited, thinking I missed a chapter again, but it just brought me back here. Oh well,I’ll get over it when the real chapter 6 comes out!! Great job on all the chapters!!

  2. Pingback: In the wake of my roll… | Getting creative with the Viking...

  3. you know ’50 shades of grey’ started as a fanfic, and your writing is so much better. i’d love to see you get published…i would love to have your books on my self.

  4. I absolutely love this story. I thought I had read everything you had already written. I guess I was wrong. I do have a question. On the home page of Bright Things, it has chapter 17 listed but the link is not active. Is it suppose to be?
    Happy writing!

  5. Pingback: In case you’re one of the few who patiently waits for update emails… | Getting creative with the Viking...

    • I have to second this because my first thought on reading the summary was “short run” huh… may we have many more short runs like this then…

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