Bored To Death

BTD Cover  **This story is complete**

I’m a ‘what if’ fan so for purposes of this story I went back to Dead Until Dark…

  • What if Bill hadn’t had the chance to scare Sookie in regards to Eric?
  • What if  Eric hadn’t tried to influence her from his throne?
  • What if Eric hadn’t kicked that fangbanger, causing the feeding/raid incident?

…for me the answer is simple. Sookie would have been just as relaxed and unfazed as she had been when she met Bill.

…She might have treated Eric like ‘just another guy’.

One simple act could have saved a lot of time and tears.

Perhaps, timing really is everything.


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Chapter 1: A Memorable Name

Chapter 2: The Cure

Chapter 3: The Dinner Shift

Chapter 4: Bittersweet

Chapter 5: Mine

Chapter 6: Confidence

Chapter 7: Ready

Chapter 8: Firsts

Chapter 9: Public

Chapter 10: Bigger Fish To Fry

Chapter 11: Enlightened

Chapter 12: Nerves

Chapter 13: Pass/Fail

Chapter 14: Shattered

Chapter 15: Confession

Chapter 16: Progress

Chapter 17: Not Funny

Chapter 18: Comforted

Chapter 19: Home Again

Chapter 20: Let It Be

Chapter 21: Worthy

Chapter 22: The Best Medicine

Chapter 23: Collision Course

Chapter 24: Hard Landing

Chapter 25: Boiling Point

Chapter 26: Reprisal

Chapter 27: Better Off

Chapter 28: Black Friday

Chapter 29: The Silent Treatment

Chapter 30: Unrelenting

Chapter 31: The Right Side Of The Bed

Chapter 32: Leash Laws

Chapter 33: Failure

Chapter 34: Fuss

Chapter 35: I Wanna Live Again

Chapter 36: An Awful Hole

Chapter 37: I’ll Take It

Chapter 38: Meanwhile

Chapter 39: Women

Chapter 40: Redefined

Outtake: Nightmare

Outtake: Home Fires

Outtake: Shitheel

Outtake: Precious

Outtake: Junk Food

I’m a ‘what if’ fan so for purposes of this story I went back to Dead Until Dark…

~What if Bill hadn’t had the chance to scare Sookie in regards to Eric?

~What if  Eric hadn’t tried to influence her from his throne?

~What if Eric hadn’t kicked that fangbanger, causing the feeding/raid incident?

…for me the answer is simple. She’d have been just as relaxed and unphased as she had been when she met Bill.

…She might have treated Eric like ‘just another guy’.

One simple act could have saved a lot of time and tears.

Perhaps, timing really is everything.

51 thoughts on “Bored To Death

      • Question…do you think you could add navigator buttons at the ends of the chapters? It would be a little easier to go to the next chapter if this gets as long as your other stories, which I LOVE that they are, BTW….just a suggestion 🙂

  1. Loving it! I love all of your stories. I laugh more with these then I have in a long time. They are very entertaining! I can’t wait for more…just to see where you take them!

    • that is because I am an idiot…
      I was in a rush and didn’t add the link to the Story Page
      …but now you should be able to find Chapter 6 AND 7
      So Sorry

  2. OMG! Thank you, thank you. lol! I love your story. I went to FF and tried to read chapter 6 there, but for some reason, it doesn’t show the new chapter. So I immediately rushed here to your blog and lo’ and behold you have Chapter 7 finished. Yay me! lol!


  3. got a email saying chapter 11 is up but I cant find it on here. Of course I am not that savvy on the computer so it could be me! haha! LOL!! Love you! HUGS:)

  4. So I got a email saying chapter 11 is up but I cant find it on here. Of course I am not that savvy on the computer so it could be me! I am going to look through it again and see if I can figure it out but if anyone else could help me out. haha! LOL!! Love you! HUGS:)

  5. You need to update all of these cause almost all of your stories have a new chap but none of them are listed in the index yet, and this one has 2 new chaps that aren’t listed
    You Kick Ass At Story Writing

    CG xx

  6. I just have to tell you how much I love this story! I read a shameful amount of fanfiction, and I don’t think any other piece has ever made me laugh so consistantly. The pace you employ in the conversations and in each scene is near perfection! I eagerly await each chapter and cannot wait until it is finsihed so that I can read it as a completed work!

    Great fun, great job!

  7. This is one of my favorites. I love everything about this story, the banter, the relationships, the plot, and the smut. It never fails to make me laugh.

  8. This story makes my day. When I have a long day and need a break I just read this. I laugh and life is better. All of your stories are great this one is wonderful. Keep them coming.

  9. Your story is so great! I really love it and I’m excited to see what happens next. I really do hope you update soon! 🙂

    p.s. Eric’s inner thoughts make me laugh out loud! Your view on him is spectacular!

  10. Just found this story last night, linked off vikingfantasies twitter… i LOVE IT! i’m up to chapter 12, but wanted to come by and show some love. the story is great, i love how you write them, and thank you thank you for your story! Keep on going!!


  11. Yours is one of the few ESN stories out there that I thoroughly enjoy. I spend quite a bit of time just laughing. The humor you infuse your story with is fabulous. Eric is just sarcastic enough, Pam is snarky enough, Sookie is sassy without being a total bitch all the time and isn’t running from her emotions, Jason can scrape two brain cells together, and I love how you’ve written Adele’s character. Looking forward to your next chapter.

  12. This is great!! You keep me hooked with every turn, especially this latest twist! I never saw that coming! Very creative and written beautifully! Please update soon!

  13. Going to reread BTD for the 50th time. Decided to put my favorite lines in the comment box to do something different.

  14. This story just rocks! Definitely can’t get BORED reading this story. I’m only sad that I reached the end:( Loved the Southern Women on a cleaning frenzy. Just had an episode getting ready for a holiday gathering~ luckily my hubby lived:)

    Hunter is a very bright boy. I’d be curled outside Eric’s door with a blanket and pillow, but those stupid stalker laws!

  15. I’m rereading this one, now that you’re so far into Meanwhile I have forgotten this one (with all the similarities).

    ps. Can’t wait for the rewrite of the Infinite series : )

    • So… If you liked BTD, then I suggest Meanwhile and Death’s Door.
      They are both spin-offs of the story…
      The Death of Me (the BTD sequel) is due to start posting this week too.
      Happy reading

  16. I LOVE THIS STORY!!!! I am really eager to read more about our fav couple with Hunter! I see that there is a sequel in the works….I was wondering if we’ll see it soon or if it exists and I’m just missing it? In the meantime, I’m off to read spinoffs!!

    Thanks for a wonderful story!!

  17. I just finished reading it after four straight days…four days. I loved it!!!!
    Could you please tell me where to find the sequel as i can’t seem to find it in your story list though i say you replying about it somewhere above but it was really old and i can’t find it anywhere else.

  18. I loved your story.I hope you will continue with a sequel. After dead locked I take comfort in these story’s.thank you for such a loving story

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