Life & Death

L&D CoverThe continuation of Saints & Sinners… Now that Eric and Sookie have gotten to know each other, it’s time to move on.

Chapter 1: Tests

Chapter 2: A Pig In Shit

Chapter 3: An Abuse Of Power

I’m very sorry to say this folks, but I’m officially calling a time of death for Life & Death.

I’ve tried to return to this one, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t focus of this story. I’ve been hoping, for too long that I might have it in me to go back to it, but even looking at the plan I had for this installment, I can’t.

I should have done this a long time ago. I’m sorry for leaving you all hanging for so long.


45 thoughts on “Life & Death

  1. Can’t wait for more 🙂 I was following you over on ffn, but that site is starting to bug me six ways from sunday so I’m starting again over here. I’m all subscribed and as I said, can’t wait to see more from you 🙂

  2. I can’t say enough about how much I love your writing. Saints and Sinners, and now L&D, are my absolute favorites but I love everything you write. I keep my bb internet on S&S or L&D so that as soon as I have some downtime I read when and wherever I am. (I drop everything the minute I see an update too… It’s terrible but I’m totally addicted!) Another fan said this in a comment and I totally agree… Your version of Eric and Sookie (and the rest of the gang) in this story are, in fact, my FAVORITE literary family ever. All of the other stories are great too… Just can’t get enough. Keep on doing what you are doing. I selfishly pray that you never lose your motivation because I get to read a fantastic story every update. Thanks for your creativity!

  3. -___- Been waiting sooooooo~ long for more updates. I know you have other stories to keep up with as well but I hope you don’t give this one up. I don’t usually get as into SVM stories that are so far from the original characters but you really out did yourself here! Sigh maybe I should try to get into the Alcide In Wonderland so I won’t feel so neglected. I don’t know its hard to read the same story over, even if it is from a different prospective. Ugh, the old Alcide was a pain, even with all the poor guys angst.

  4. Love this story!!!! I am also following your side story AIW. Great to learn the other characters thoughts. Are you waiting to finish AIW before continuing with L&D? Either way, totally yummy!!!!!!

  5. Please update!!!! I loved saints and sinners, and Life and Death is just wonderful. I just can’t get enough of this story! Please I need more.

  6. Came late to your party; but it’s been loads of fun. Love this human story. Will there be more – the wedding the baby? Got me on Bored to Death too. Haven’t been sleeping; but smiling alot. Keep up the great work.

  7. Update, please just update. Leave Meanwhile alone and finish this one; I love your stories, but I want the ones you started done first before I start another one. (It gets confusing, amd then I have to read something over)

  8. I hope you update soon and continue this story! I’ve fallen in love with your Eric and Sookie and Saints and Sinners if one of my favorite fanfics. I really want to see where the story goes…

  9. i absolutely love all of ur fics and was hoping that u plan to update/continue with Life and Death – S&S was brilliant and i’m eager to read more of their story
    xoxo ety

  10. Are you working on Life and Death. I love Saints and Sinners and just read it a second time and was wondering if you were going to keep going?

  11. I don’t understand why you decided to stop writing chapters for L&D. It is such a great sequel to S&S. Hoping chapters are forthcoming.

  12. I’m still addicted to S&S (read 5 times) but having withdrawals due to lack of chaps on sequel!!!
    I hope above comment is not a tease!

  13. I am signed up for notifications and keep checking the site. I am having trouble waiting for updates for this story and Alcide. I never liked the all-human stories before I found your site. Now I am hooked and going through withdrawal…

  14. I love saints and sinners do Im waiting…patiently (maybe)…for more of life an death. Think you’ll ever finish? And I say that in the nicest way possible. Really do live all our stuff! Oh and recipes…if you have more I’d love to see them!

  15. S&S is one of my favorite stories published or otherwise , I’m hanging over the edge of my seat waiting for more !!!!

  16. hi
    love all ur fics but hoping that u plan to continue the ‘life & death’ fic .. soon … saints and sinners was one of my favourite fics to date

  17. Oh I so love the Saints and Sinners story line. I hope you continue this one. I really am looking forward to the wedding in New York. I’ve reread both stories twice already in a week!

  18. Aww this makes me sad I love this story but I understand that sometimes it happens and theres nothing you can do to force it… and I love the multi verse and no one can deny how prolific you are on that series so no one has any room to complain about where your muse takes you

    But I do have one request… could you just tell us what sookie was planning on doing to make room for everyone? I’ve been wondering for years 😉

  19. Although I totally understand the need to not force a story line, I am very sad that you are discontinuing this story. I was very much looking forward to it. Are you going to take it down?

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